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Get Your Interview On
David Rees
KaPOW! LAB does some interview kung fu with David Rees-san, the grandmaster of clip-art re-purposing and slam-talkin’ creator of Get Your War On and My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable. Along the way, we talk about crummy temp jobs, smoking crack with Kate Moss, and the concept of Universal Truth.

Dear Sir: Ray Fenwick Is a Genius
Ray Fenwick
Ray Fenwick, the genius behind Hall of Best Knowledge, discusses his heart-breaking decision to discontinue the comic strip. But don’t despair, fellow HOBK admirers! There’s big projects in the works, and Ray plans to ride the Wild Stallion of Productivity right through that geysering Fountain of Creativity just yonder.

Death to User-Generated Content
Derek Powazek
Derek Powazek, co-founder of JPG magazine, makes a strong argument for doing away with the awkward phrase-du-jour, user-generated content. An argument which— of course— involves junkies, robots, and packing peanuts. Which has been lovingly captured in ink & watercolor by Mister Nate Beaty.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Jim Lucio
“I met this exhibitionist once and I posted a few of his photos online. Some people that was a bit much… but I think photos of dew drops on flowers are a bit much.” Jim Lucio, aka Defekto of Flickr infamy, talks about polaroiding, the Puppies, Sunsets, and Rainbows Syndrome, and the joy of promoting fake bands.