Topographical, Katy Ann Gilmore
Katy Ann Gilmore is an artist living and working in Los Angeles. Originally from the Midwest, she completed her BA in Art, Math, and Spanish at Greenville College in Illinois. She then moved to LA to complete her MFA in Visual Art at Azusa Pacific University.
Working predominantly in drawing for a couple of years, she’s also focused on sculpture and installation art in the past, usually more intrigued by particular concepts than a particular medium. In the past year, her work in drawing has expanded to include murals as well. Her recent work explores the relationship between flat 2D grids and their manipulations into 3D space. That’s shown itself as an infatuation with landscape represented as topographical forms, inspired by her surroundings in LA. She uses her background in mathematics and interest in the relationship between 2D planes and 3D surfaces to explore curiosities about the world and its abstractions into segments of grids and lines.