featured articles
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Meshu Jewelry
Rachel Binx, Sha Hwang
A discussion with Sha Hwang and Rachel Binx, founders of Meshu, ranging from data visuals as fashion to color palettes to urban planning to putting a face on Big Data.

Paper, Scissors, Rock
Matt Shlian
“Do what you love and fuck the rest.” This is Matt Shlian’s advice to his Past Self. LAB talks to Matt about the inspiration behind his paper engineering and kinetic sculptures.

Color and Space
Andy Gilmore
Andy Gilmore explores color, space, and light in his geometric designs. Andy’s work has been featured in Wallpaper*, Wired Magazine, and The New York Times.

Typography and Street Art
Cassidy Curtis, Ian Lynam
Designer Ian Lynam and Cassidy Curtis (of Graffiti Archaeology) discuss lettering, graffiti, and color-letter synaesthesia, and a phenomenon called typography.

Deconstruct, Reconstruct
Francesca Pastine
Francesca Pastine excavates, cuts, slices, re-arranges, and slices her way through the covers of ArtForum and LAB, revealing a topography of art trends.