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projects for issue 0.5

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Project 01

go ahead, judge a book by its cover

That’s right. Go ahead: judge a book by its cover. Pick a book (preferably one you haven’t read) and write a short review based on the design of the cover. Extra credit: read the book. Then score the accuracy of your original review.

Post a photo of the book cover to:

Be sure to include the review in the description field.

Add the following tag to the photo:


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Check out the fine print.

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Project 02

thank you for not telling me to have a nice day

Take a picture of the owner(s) of a small business you frequent. Extra credit: write a short description of the business & owner, or include a related story.

Post the photo to:

Include the owner’s name and business name in the description field.

Add the following tag to the photo:


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Check out the fine print.

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Project 03

poster call

[revised 01.25.07]

Posters & flyers— we want to see ‘em. A pack of design ninjas will pick the best of the batch and we’ll include them in an upcoming issue of LAB.

Here’s the only rule:
The poster/flyer must be designed by you. No found objects, please.

How to submit? Send a PDF (or .jpg) of your design via our contact form. Please be sure to include contact info. Bonus points: post a picture of your creation in its natural habitat to:

Add the following tag to the photo:


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Check out the fine print.

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Project 04

folk typography & found type

Choose 1–3 photos (or sketches) of folk typography, found type, or hand lettering. Submit them (via this form) along with 1–3 paragraphs describing how these examples have inspired you, made you giggle, piqued your curiosity (remember: pique is French for poke, prickle, or irritate), or otherwise made you stop and scratch your head. Text: minimum 100 words, maximum 500. Submit text in word doc, textedit, or RTF. Graphics: 300ppi, .jpg or PDF. Chalk deadline: March 01.

Post the photo(s) to:

Include your text in the description field.

Add the following tag to the photo:


Curious about usage rights?
Check out the fine print.