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sign wallahs
Meena Kadri
A photo-essay exploring vernacular street graphics in India. Meena interviews streetside sign painters and discusses how decorative devices are used as a kind of sweetner or coping mechanism to counter the severe reality of existence in India.

mac & cheese collection
Andrew Filer, Pete Jordan
Dishwasher Pete shares his epic collection of mac & cheese box covers, while Andrew Filer reviews the collection from the perspective of extant design. How many ways are there to sell 7 oz of noodles with cheese powder? At least 273, apparently.

smooth jazzin'
Joey Sayers
A showcase of Joey Sayer’s deliciously inappropriate comix series, I’m Gonna Rip Your Face Off. A survey of topics: asparagus pee, unicorns, fake mustaches, unicorns with fake mustaches, and “making muffins… (wink wink) the old-fashioned way.”

art queen
Shari Elf, Monkey
Meet Shari Elf, scrap artist, gallery owner, seamstress, folk musician, and curator of The World Famous Crochet Museum. Shari and her sidekick, Bunny (a crochet alligator), are interviewed by a certain special terry-cloth monkey.